Saturday, June 30, 2007
For performers who failed to attend performers' Briefing.
We are planning a separate briefing for you guys. Meanwhile please do not bug us for your performing slot. It is only fair that those who come down first receive it upfront. We will update you guys on your performing slot for the 2nd performers' briefing. Date & time to be confirmed.

Bands who emailed me to inform me that you guys are unable to turn up and provided a valid reason, Thanks! Really appreciate it!
posted by Ariel at 8:21 AM |


At June 30, 2007 at 9:35 AM, Blogger if only there was ever after...

to the tapestry team....
thank you so much!!! we love our slot and location assigned to us..
we hope u wont shift or change any of it!! thank you again!!!!

-cursed shadows


At July 2, 2007 at 9:28 AM, Blogger Ariel

As I have said. We definitely DON"T DESIRE to change any slot. We would try not to. But if we can't help but do so, it's really not bcos of our own preference.

Please understand.